2018 DFW Stars of Tomorrow Singing Competition – August 25


Show off your singing talents at our Singing Competition! We have raised the 1st place prize to $1500 if more than 35 people register. Preliminaries and semifinals will take place on August 25 at 1:00 pm, and finals will take place on the stage at our annual gala on
09/15 at the Renaissance Hotel in Richardson. Registration forms are available at the DCCC and ends 08/20. For more details, contact DCCC.

Rules: Contestants can choose any songs they want
Eligibility: We accept anyone who wish to compete, past winners welcome!
First round: one song of contestant’s choice.
Semi-final: one song of contestant’s choice.

The judges will select the top three to advance to the final.
The final is one September 15 at the Renaissance Richardson Dallas Hotel
First place $1,000 Cash (if more than 35 people register, the prize will go up to $1,500), Second place: $500, Third place: $200
Registration: $25

If interested, please fill out the registration form: DFW Stars of Tomorrow Registration Form-2018 and email or drop off at DCCC.KTC-ch

「達福明日之星歌唱大賽」!今年比賽將對報名者更開放!可以自由選曲、不限國籍語言、年齡。為了吸引更多、更高水準的參賽者報名,活動中心特備奬金大放送:第一名獎金高達一千元 (若報名超過三十五人, 獎金再加碼 五百元!)、第二名獎金五百元、第三名二百元,報名費為每位$25.00。評審評分標準除了依據歌唱水平,也會著重於整體舞台表現 包括表演服裝,台風, 舞台空間利用 等亦佔一定成績比數。

參賽資格無年齡限制, 每位初賽者須備一首自選曲參賽,之後由評審選取多位進入複賽。複賽入圍者則將再演唱一首自選曲(歌曲不可重複),所有參賽者需自備碟片。亦歡迎歷屆參賽得獎者共襄盛舉一齊來參加比賽,希望新舊選手能碰撞出火花,讓大家一飽耳福!


If interested, please fill out the registration form: DFW Stars of Tomorrow Registration Form-2018 and email or drop off at DCCC.