There will be an open audition for “Cowboys and Cowgirls” Kids Fashion Show at the DCCC on Saturday, August 4. Those models are required to bring their own outfit.
Participants will take part in the fundraising gala on Saturday, September 15 at the Renaissance Hotel in Richardson. Applications are available at the DCCC.
The photo is from last year’s kids fashion show – Flower girl and boys during our annual Gala. 活動中心大廳舉行公開徵選牛仔孩童服裝秀模特兒活動,參加者需自備服裝。歡迎至活動中心填妥報名表。獲選者經集訓後,即可參加中心於九月十五日在Renaissance Hotel舉行的募款餐會上演出。詳情請洽詢活動中心電話: 972-480-0311。