Please consider scheduling your donation for DCCC at by Thursday, September 20, midnight.
We want to continue to enhance our programs, classes, events, and activities, and we will need your support in order to accomplish this goal! Thank you in advance for your consideration!
How to Donate:
1. Between 6 a.m. to midnight (Central Time) on 9/20 (Thursday), visit here.
2. Select your donation amount at least $25, fill out the information, and add to cart.
3. Create login to pay for the donation.
*If you are in Taiwan or China at that time, please be aware of the time zone difference of 13 hours. Thank you for your time and support!
德州社區基金會”北德州回饋曰”- 希望得到您的支持與贊助!!!
達拉斯華人活動中心將參加 9月 20日 “北德州捐贈日”的募款活動。如果您已經透過不同途徑, 給 DCCC 做出捐贈,我非常感謝。如您不介意再透過 “北德州捐贈日” 給予中心更多的支持,我們更是感激,而且歡迎您上”北德州捐贈日” 的名人榜。
1. 9月20日清晨6點至半夜12點的18個小時之內。請點擊這裡。
2. 用信用卡做出最少$25的捐贈;填寫所需信息,然後加到 購物車。
3. 設立一個帳號及密碼 (這是新規定) ,需要登錄 (login) 然後支付捐款並提交(submit) 。
*臺灣或中國, 請注意有13小時的時差,其他區域請查詢當地與美國的時差。 感謝您!