Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease Seminar On June 7

On June 7, Saturday, 10am-11:30am at DCCC, the Alzheimer’s Association Dallas Branch and DCCC have jointly organized a seminar to help you better understand the Alzheimer’s Disease and the top ten warning signs (the importance of early detection).

Alzheimer’s disease affects various groups. The United States has more than five hundred million people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease . There has not yet developed to prevent, delay , or cure Alzheimer’s disease approach.

Alzheimer’s is a brain disease , the most common symptom is memory loss. Other symptoms include impaired judgment , impaired ability to communicate and act , and even difficulty swallowing food. Alzheimer’s disease will worsen over time , eventually leading to death. In the United States, Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death listed. Alzheimer’s disease for women to have more impact. Statistics show that two-thirds of Alzheimer’s patients are women.

Knowing more about Alzheimer’s top ten early warning signs will help . Please come to the free seminar on Saturday, June 7 (10am-11:30am) at DCCC. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-272-3900 or go online http://www.alzdallas.org/education or call DCCC at 972-480-0311.德州達拉斯 — 阿滋海默症協會將在達拉斯華人活動中心提供「認識阿滋海默症十大警訊:早期偵測的重要性」講座。時間為六月七日﹝星期六﹞上午10時30分至11時30分。地址為400 N. Greenville Avenue, #12, Richardson, TX 75081。

阿滋海默症影響各個族群。美國有超過 五百萬人患有阿滋海默症。得到阿滋海默症的人包括社會中各行各業、各種族群、不同經濟背景的人。目前尚未發展出預防、延緩、或治癒阿滋海默症的方法。


認識更多有關阿滋海默症十大警訊將助於早期就醫做進一步的檢查。如果能及時發現,病患能盡早接受到最適合的治療方式,同時也能與家人規劃未來的家庭和財務事項。如有興趣前往達拉斯華人活動中心參加「認識阿滋海默症十大警訊」講座,請上網http://www.alzdallas.org/education 或致電1-800-272-3900免費報名或華人活動中心 972-480-0311