DCCC is accepting registration for the Texas drivers education course to prepare students for the written part of Texas driver license test. Ages 25 years and older can enroll into the 6 hours course which includes written test and vision test to be held on Saturdays. Registration fee is $99 per person.
If interested in finding out more information, please contact DCCC at 972-480-0311.
Thank you State Farm Insurance Company for helping sponsor this program. 七月開課 即日起招生
達福地區近年來華人入遷成長迅速,有就業的,有留學的,有依親的,初到首先要務就是考駕照,考過駕照才能開車上路,享受行動自由。華人活動中心應僑胞要求,在州農保險公司(State Farm) 的贊助下,於七月開辦德州駕駛執照筆試補習班,凡年滿廿五歲者均可報名參加,額滿6人即開班,每週日下午一點至四點,連續兩週課程共上課6小時。由達福地區資深保險專家丁玉琦主持,課程包括講解開車交通規則,筆試練習模擬考。丁玉琦有德州Defensive Driving的執照,以中文上課,幫助新來移民者克服用英文考試的困難。每人報名費$25,名額有限,報名從速。
華人活動中心另有英文課程,幫助華人學習讀、說、寫英文,從ABC教起到英文朗朗上口,成果斐然,都是活動中心一系列幫助華人適應美國社會融入這大熔爐的課程,報名請至華人活動中心 972-480-0311。
網址: www.dallasccc.org, Email: info@dallasccc.org