This class will help students improve their Driver’s Education on a Saturday and Sunday. This two-day course will prepare you for the Written Examination in order to acquire the Learner’s Permit that leads to the Driver’s License. The course covers seven units from Driver Responsibility to Road Signs, from Right of Way to Defensive Driving. Online test can be taken once the course is complete on the second day. Once you pass the test and receive your certificate, you can go to the Department of Public Safely for the eye exam and road test when you are ready. Registration fee: $100. Online course: $75. 近年華人搬入達拉斯大增 ,有工作的、 有學生 畢業後留下工作者, 以及依親 首要之務就是取得駕駛執照 ,為幫助新移民適應新環境安全上路,華人㓉動中心將閞辦駕駛執照筆試班 ,凡年滿十八歲者歡迎報名參加。 上課用網路教材 老師用中文同步翻譯講解, 共有七個單元, 從交通規則 、路標辨識 、預防車禍等, 都會詳解說明, 務保學員認知開車責仼重大,遵守法規,保護自己的安全和他人的安全。 課程中有穿插練習題以加強重點, 上完七個單元就是考試 ,30個選擇題答對21題就考過 鴐駛筆試,證書將於一週內寄至上 ,18至24歲者拿此證書可到鴐照部門做視力測驗取得學習許可證。 報名上課必須提供證件如護照的英文名字、地址、電話號碼、 報名費$100, 上課當天帶信用卡,由老師帶領上網講冊網路課。 The online course materials will be in English, but we have prepared the Chinese translation with personal assistance by bilingual volunteers. Last year, all participants passed the written test after completing the course. Please contact DCCC at (972) 480-0311 for detail information. 網路課註冊費上課前用信用卡給付教材費$75。老師會帶領學員完成手續就可䦕始上課,上課時間分兩天,周六與週日上午十時至下午五時 中午休息四十分鑂。因為教材豐富 學員必須精神充沛專心學習 才能達到成效 一舉而過,駕駛執照筆試班活動中心曾在去年開過班,來上課的人全部考取,如與果第一次沒過還可重考最多考三次。 上課日期將另行通知,有意上課的學員請預先打電話報名,華人活動中心 972-480-0311。 網址:, Email: