Thomas Yu, a well known calligrapher in Dallas, will be teaching this course for 10 weeks. During this ten-week course, Mr. Yu will teach children basic foundation, from seating posture, brush holding to actually writing. It is a great opportunity for your kids to experience and appreciate calligraphy and to increase their enthusiasm to write Chinese characters. Mr. Yu received Chinese calligraphy basic instruction from his great uncle and grandpa at age 7. He also learned from Mr. Yo, a professor at the Arts Institute of Peking and has been practicing ever since. He has lectured at Washington University Chinese Art Festival in St. Louis, MO, Dallas Museum of Art and Crow Collection of Asian Art in Dallas, Campbell Museum in Fort Worth, as well as SMU, UTD, Richland College, Austin College, Chinese Community Center and many other institutions in the DFW area. The cost of the course is $100 for 10 lessons. If interested in enrolling, please come by DCCC to register or contact us at 972-480-0311.提到虞定一老師,大家都不陌生。他將在為期十週內,教導兒童書法基本功,從坐姿,握筆到提筆,下筆。這將是一個大好機會,讓您的兒女有機會體驗和欣賞中國書法,並提高兒童們寫漢字的興趣。虞老師七歲開始隨祖父習字。短期隨北京美術學院Yo教授學習書法之後,每天練習,多年如一日。曾在多所大學和博物館暢談並示範中國書法。十堂課學費贊助中心:$100, 開課日期:每週六上午十一時,額滿5人即開課。報名請洽華人活動中心 972-480-0311