With the Adult ESL class, you will learn writing skills, proper pronunciation and grammar. The program is an intensive learning...
A crash course about the iPhone is being offered at DCCC on a Saturday or Sunday from 10am-1pm for $20...
Everyone seems to have an iPhone from Apple. The stylish appearance, GPS, high-resolution camera, operating system and applications make it...
With the Adult ESL class, you will learn skills, proper pronunciation and grammar. The program is an intensive learning experience...
The purpose of the class is to catch up with the changing times of technology and to learn more about...
華人活動中心中文電腦班 「Window 7 」入門基礎班 課程六週 學電腦的目的是要追上時代的步伐,充實自己,用電腦加強與社會的聯繫,為生活增添樂趣,華人活動中心使用戴爾手提電腦、速度快、功能強。週日班將開辦「Windows...
活動中心Windows 7電腦 Office 應用入門班 額滿8人開課 達拉斯華人活動中心週六中文電腦班開辦「Office 2010應用入門」,由任敎電腦課程超過十五年的資深講師鄺偉源先生主講。費用一期四週每人80元,上課時間週六上午10:00am-12:30pm,學員名額10名,...
活動中心開辦Internet網站電腦課程 Ebay, Facebook, YouTube 互聯網(Internet)之應用一日千里,每天的應用已經從平面文字網頁與電郵,進化為影音、購物與社交生活的舞台。現代人每天工作離不開電郵,而日常生活中Ebay, Facebook...