June 4 – Interview Skills Seminar

Antonio Moore from BB&T will be offering an interview skills seminar on June 4 at 1:30pm. This is for recent graduates or someone interested in finding a job. He is a career consultant and will teach you how to write resumes, how to respond during interviews, etc. After the presentation, there will be time for some Q&A. Antonio Moore Biography: Antonio Moore has been an associate with BB&T for over 7 years. He has enjoyed building lasting banking relationships with his internal and external clients throughout those years. Antonio has served in various roles since joining BB&T including Market Leader and currently serves as the Regional Employment Consultant. He transferred from BB&T in Raleigh, NC three years ago to be part of the North Texas team and served as Market Leader at the Walnut Hill branch. He was a very successful Market Leader for our N. Texas team and also has shown to be an impactful Regional Employment Consultant by sourcing and recruiting top talent to join BB&T Bank. 五月畢業潮已然到來,達拉斯華人活動中心為協助眾多面臨就業的大學畢業生,將於週四 6/4 下午1 點 30分 舉辦「求職面談須知」講座,由職業諮詢師 Antonio Moore 主講,介紹在美國工作如何撰寫履歷表及如何應對面談的技巧傳授。Antonio在BB&T銀行就職已逾七載,他曾任北德州市場部門領導一職,現為一位職業諮詢師,專替BB&T銀行招聘各種人才。演講結束後,將會進行三十分鐘的Q&A,歡迎應屆畢業生或求職朋友踴參與講座活動。 Antonio Moore Biography: Antonio Moore has been an associate with BB&T for over 7 years. He has enjoyed building lasting banking relationships with his internal and external clients throughout those years. Antonio has served in various roles since joining BB&T including Market Leader and currently serves as the Regional Employment Consultant. He transferred from BB&T in Raleigh, NC three years ago to be part of the North Texas team and served as Market Leader at the Walnut Hill branch. He was a very successful Market Leader for our N. Texas team and also has shown to be an impactful Regional Employment Consultant by sourcing and recruiting top talent to join BB&T Bank. 達拉斯華人活動中心的地址:400 N Greenville Ave #12 • Richardson • TX 75081。 查詢電話972-480-0311,Website: www.dallasccc.org Email: info@dallasccc.org