New Class: Toddlers’ Song/Rhythm/Movement Classes all in Chinese
Every Wednesday, Starting January 21, 2015, for 10 Weeks, 10 to 11 a.m.
These classes will be taught by Nancy Kang, who is a talented dance teacher. What a great way to learn Chinese songs/dances/movements with your babies/toddlers and have fun together! Age: infant to 4 years old accompanied by adult
Children and their grownups share songs, rhymes, movement and instrument play. Children’s natural music and language aptitude blossoms in this environment where children learn to sing in Chinese and absorb Chinese culture in movement and dance.
One time registration fee: $20; Tuition: $120 per child, $100 for the second child由資深舞蹈藝術老師 康碧娥 指導;跟你的幼兒一起享受並學習中文兒歌/舞蹈/韻律,給中文奠下基礎!年齡:嬰兒至四歲,由家長或褓母陪同。
報名費:$20; 十週學費: $120, 第二個報名兒童: $100