Medical Seminar Series organized by AACCS and DCCC on Saturday, 3/21 at 1:00-4:00 pm; Sunday, 3/29 at 2 pm 1. “Ask an Oncologist”(請問醫生有關個人化的醫療導航)3/21/15 Saturday 1:00 to 3:00 pm at DCCC (華人活動中心) Dr. Zhiyong Li, an oncologist with 20 years of experience, will answer questions present by cancer patients. Please submit your question before 3/15 by calling (214) 868-5903 李志勇醫生,具20年腫瘤科研究治療經驗的癌症專科醫生將在現場回答癌友的醫療問題.請您在3/15之前電話提出您的問題 (214)868-5903 2. Cancer support group meeting same day same location 3:00 to 4:00 pm. 癌友及家屬聯誼,同日下午三時至四時. 3. Colon Cancer Prevention Seminar: Title “The prevention of colon cancer and colonoscopy.” 3/29/15 Sunday 2:00 pm at DCCC. Dr. Gang Quan, a gastroenterologist will discuss the importance of colon cancer prevention. 權剛,胃腸專科醫生將講解大腸癌的預防和大腸鏡檢查的重要性 Flyer Information: 健康講座 3-21-2015Medical Seminar Series organized by AACCS and DCCC Saturday, 3/21 at 1:00-4:00 pm; Sunday, 3/29 at 2 pm 1. “Ask an Oncologist”(請問醫生有關個人化的醫療導航)3/21/15 Saturday 1:00 to 3:00 pm at DCCC (華人活動中心) Dr. Zhiyong Li, an oncologist with 20 years of experience, will answer questions present by cancer patients. Please submit your question before 3/15 by calling (214) 868-5903 李志勇醫生,具20年腫瘤科研究治療經驗的癌症專科醫生將在現場回答癌友的醫療問題.請您在3/15之前電話提出您的問題 (214)868-5903 2. Cancer support group meeting same day same location 3:00 to 4:00 pm. 癌友及家屬聯誼,同日下午三時至四時. 3. Colon Cancer Prevention Seminar: Title “The prevention of colon cancer and colonoscopy.” 3/29/15 Sunday 2:00 pm at DCCC. Dr. Gang Quan, a gastroenterologist will discuss the importance of colon cancer prevention. 權剛,胃腸專科醫生將講解大腸癌的預防和大腸鏡檢查的重要性 Flyer Information: 健康講座 3-21-2015