Health Fair on November 10

Come to DCCC’s annual health fair on Saturday, November 10 from 1pm to 4pm. Come ask doctors questions, get a free screening for Hepatitis B & C, learn about lung disease and lung care information, get a free health screening and flu shot, and more. There are limited shots, tests, spots, etc. in each category. Everything is available on a first come, first serve basis. Please contact DCCC for more information.

Special thanks to Texas Instruments (TI), Cathay Bank, State Farm, BlueCross BlueShield of Texas, John Lee Insurance, the Chinese Medical Association of Dallas, the Asian American Cancer Care Service, the Chinese Nursing Association, Texas Tech Department of Pharmacy, UT Southwestern, and United Healthcare for sponsoring this event.

health fair-2018中心將於十一月十日星期六下午一時起至下午四時舉辦免費肺部疾病與保健資訊講座、戒菸諮詢、B型C型肝炎檢測、醫生義診、成人流感疫苗注射、糞便潛血測試、糖化血色素測試、及免費協辦生前醫療指示活動。

大廳(下午一點至兩點)–免費肺部疾病與保健講座, 由美國肺臟協會贊助


大廳 (下午二點至四點)–成人免費流感疫苗注射、戒菸諮詢、糞便潛血測試、醫生義診服務項目有内科、骨科、物理治療師、中醫、婦產科、牙醫師、兒童眼科、腸胃科等,另外還有免費測BMI、量血壓、量血糖服務,若測出血糖過高者,將提供糖化血色素測試。

此次義診活動是由本中心主辦,以及Texas Instrument (TI)、國泰銀行、State Farm、BlueCross BlueShield of Texas、李元鐘保險公司、德州中華醫生協會、中華護理聯誼會、亞美健康關懷服務、Texas Tech 藥學系、德州大學西南醫學中心及UnitedHealthcare所贊助。活動中心聯絡電話: 972-480-0311 Website: Email: 地址: 400 N. Greenville Avenue Suite 12 Richardson, TX 75081

health fair-2018