On August 20 (10:30am), DCCC will host Dallas Got Talent, a talent show competition. If you or a group of your friends have a talent, whether it be dancing, musical instrument, chinese yo-yo, comedy, magic, singing, etc., come showcase it on August 20. If you are interested in competing in the event, registration fee is $25.
The competition will be held on August 20, where the judges will decide on the three most talented acts. You can win amazing cash prizes ($500** for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place, $100 for 3rd place).
**The 1st place prize will be increased to $1000 (thank you to a generous donor) if there are more than 15 registered acts (individual or group).
Registration Form: Talentshow報名表
Registration Fee: $25
想展示自己的才藝天份嗎?想給自己人生添加一份美麗的回憶嗎?想擁有自己的表演大舞台嗎?請報名參加華人活動中心為您舉辨的才藝比賽(Talent Show) ,才藝達人的舞台已為您備好,首奬高達一千元。
In addition, please save the date for the DCCC’s annual fundraising gala on September 11 (Sunday) as if we have more than 15 participants in our talent show, we will split preliminaries to August 20 and finals for September 11.
比賽獎金大放送:首奬高達一千元!主辦單位為了提高參賽質素及人流,報名人數有十五組以上,贊助商將額外增加獎金五百元、即冠軍首獎奬金增至一千元整。第二名$300, 第三名也將有$100獎金。一、二、三名均將獲頒奬牌。
即日起接受報名,8月14日截止。有意參賽者請至華人活動中心報名繳費,若有不便可郵寄報名:達拉斯華人活動中心 400 N. Greenville #12 ,Richardson, TX. 75081(於中國城內),詳細比賽內容將公布於www.dallasccc.org 或www.facebook.com/dallasccc.
Registration Form: Talentshow報名表
Registration Fee: $25