DCCC has changed the Dallas Got Talent competition date to August 9 at 10:15am.
Participate in the competition or come to the event to see some amazing talent, support friends, have fun and win amazing prizes! Admission is $2 and all proceeds benefit the Dallas Chinese Community Center (a non profit organization).
If you are interested in competing in the event, registration fee is $15. The preliminaries will be held on June 14, and if you/your group make it to the finals, it will be held on September 6, where the audience and judges will vote on the top 3. You can win amazing cash prizes ($300 for 1st place, $200 for 2nd place, $100 for 3rd place).
Facebook Event: Dallas Got Talent Event
Online Registration Form: Online Form
Printable Registration Form: Talent Show Registration
華人活動中心”達人秀” 改至八月九日再戰
比賽日期改於八月九日星期六上午十點於達拉斯華人活動中心舉辦初賽。 本中心將邀請達福地區才藝專業的老師們作為評比。每位參賽者將有5分鐘表演機會,限時一到,則鈴聲一聲表示表演結束。初賽時不進行講評,當天將公佈進入決賽參賽者。(此次初賽將不包括以卡拉伴唱帶演唱的參賽者,請所有想以卡拉伴唱帶演唱的參賽者參加我們另在八月十六日星期六舉辦的卡拉ok比賽。) 獎金豐渥, 第一名/第二名將可獲得 $300 / $200 獎金, 第三名也將有$100獎金。
達拉斯達人秀決賽將於九月六日星期六晚間在李察遜市Renaissance Hotel舉行,詳細比賽內容將日後公布。有意參加達拉斯達人秀的參賽者,請預先至華人活動中心報名繳費,或活動中心網站下載報名表郵寄至中心,(支票抬頭請寫DCCC)。報名費為每組$15。
活動中心住址: 400 N. Greenville #12, www.dallasccc.org 或 www.facebook.com/dallasccc. Email: info@dallasccc.org