Asians are more likely to get colorectal cancer, but if detected early, the possibility of cure increases significantly. AACCS invited Dr. Son T. Do to give a speech on March 22 at 10am-12pm at DCCC about the prevention of colorectal cancer, symptoms, research and cure.華人活動中心三月廿二日
大腸和直腸癌是亞裔中第三個最容易得到的癌症。但是如果早期發現,治癒的可能性很大。亞美癌症關懷服務(AACCS)特別邀請到Dr. Son T. Do 來針對大腸直腸癌的預防,症狀,研究和治癒做專題演講。
講員:Dr. Son T. Do
時間:3/22/2014 上午10am-12pm
地㸃:華人活動中心,400 N Greenville Ave. #12, Richardson, TX 75081
主辦單位:亞美癌症關懷服務 / 達拉斯華人活動中心