DCCC Calligraphy Competition, 9/18/2021 10:00am

On September 18, 2021, Saturday, 10am, Dallas Chinese Community Center will be hosting its 18th annual Chinese Calligraphy Competition. There are monetary awards for the first three places of each age group (age 19 and up, age 15-18, age 11-14, age 10 and under).

This event is co-sponsored by the City of Richardson, the Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Houston, Cathay Bank, and Eva Air. Please register by filling out the online google form here: https://forms.gle/oXFoZASDU7YwPKyM7. For more information about competing, please contact DCCC at 972-480-0311. 

3 thoughts on “DCCC Calligraphy Competition, 9/18/2021 10:00am”

  1. 本年度十八屆書法比賽已於九月十八日在活動中心大廳實體舉辦,因為疫情及學校活動關係,多位已報名者當天未能出席參賽。此次參賽者中級組有多位小朋友是來自私立St. Mark中學部學生以及其他僑界不同年齡層的書法愛好者。華人活動中心成立的主要宗旨之一,即是對宣揚推廣中華文化並令在海外永續傳承盡一份力。


    公開組:第一名羅文江 獎金100元、第二名唐忠勲 獎金80元。

    特別獎 Asher Babilla 禮物乙份

    第一名Reagan Graeme 獎金100元
    第二名Charlie Grable 獎金80元
    第二名Joshua Goforth獎金80元
    第四名Mateen Ding獎金50元

    第一名Alexandre Ocone獎金50元

    所有得獎作品將於11月在活動中心官網線上展出,有關頒獎及領獎金、獎品細節將另行通知。活動中心主辦單位特此向八位書法評審女士先生致謝,林晶如女士、賴鳳娥女士、陳卿珍女士、鄧衛平先生、陳啟雄先生、楊愛民先生、楊德進先生以及焦祖平先生,感謝他們前來評分。特別感謝駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處、City of Richardson及長榮航空公司等贊助此項活動。

  2. Thank you for participating in our DCCC Calligraphy Competition. We’ve invited 8 judges to evaluate and judge all artworks. The judges were very impressed by all and said that the contestants in each group of this competition were excellent. Due to the participants in some groups not meeting the minimum number, we have to make some adjustments on the prize amount.

    All winning works will be displayed virtually at DCCC website starting November 2021. The winners will be contact separately regarding how to claim your prize. The DCCC Calligraphy Competition award ceremony date will be announced later. Congratulations to all the winners!

    The winners for each age group are:
    Group 1 (Age Under 10):
    1st Place: Alexandre Ocone, $50 & Certificate

    Group 2 (Age 11-14):
    1st Place: Reagan Graeme, $100 & Certificate
    2nd Place: Charlie Grable, $80 & Certificate
    2nd Place: Joshua Goforth, $80 & Certificate
    4th Place: Mateen Ding, $50 & Certificate

    Group 3 (Age 15-18):
    Special Award: Asher Babilla, Gift Card & Certificate

    Group 4 (Age 19 and Up):
    1st Place: Kevin Luo, $100 & Certificate
    2nd Place: Zhongxun Tang, $80 & Certificate

    This competition is sponsored by: Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Houston, City of Richardson, Cathay Bank and EVA Air.

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