Information: Organ Donation

Registering in the State of Texas
Donate Life Texas is the official state registry in Texas, collecting registrations through Texas DPS offices, online registrations, paper forms or events. The Donate Life Texas registry was established by the Texas Legislature in 2005. It is safe, secure and more than 12 MILLION Texans are registered to give! Are you?

There are several ways to register your decision to donate:
• At
• When you get or renew your Texas Driver’s License or state ID through TXDPS
• Using the MedID tab of the Health App on your iPhone or iPad
• Through STA and Donate Life Texas representatives at special events
• By completing a paper form by mail

Questions about registration

Why should I register?
Registration on the Donate Life Texas registry is a legally binding record of your decision and cannot be overturned. Because organ donation most often occurs after a sudden, unexpected death, that can be a difficult time for families to make decisions about end-of-life wishes.
Deciding to donate is an incredible gift to those in need of a transplant. It can also be an incredible gift to your family – removing the burden of that decision during a difficult time.
Don’t forget! Share your decision with your family when you register!

Who can register?
Anyone can register! There are no age or health limitations to registering your decision to give life.
Minors under 18 can register, but legal parent/guardians maintain decision power until the individual turns 18.

How do I check, edit or reverse my decision?
Keep your information updated anytime by visiting Remember to make changes after significant life events, such as an address or name change. You can change your donation preferences at any time on the site as well.
You cannot remove yourself from the registry at the Texas DPS Driver’s License Office. If you’ve previously registered but would like to remove your name from the registry, you must contact Donate Life Texas directly, via their website or submit a request in writing.