– Date: February 22 (Saturday) 10:30am – 1:00pm
– Age Group: (A) 5-6 years old (B) 7-8 years old (C) 9-11 years old (D) 12-14 years old
– Awards: Group (A): A lucky bag for every participant. Group (B) (C) (D): 1st place $100; 2nd place $80; 3rd place $50. All competitors will receive a participation prize!!!
– Registration Fee: Each person $10.00
– Competition Theme: “Lantern Festival”
– Registration Due Date: February 15, 2020
– Award Ceremony: April 25th (Saturday)
– Rules: Participants are required to bring their own painting supplies. The paper will be provided by DCCC.
– Sponsors: City of Richardson, Overseas Community Affairs Council, Ranch 99 Supermarket
This project is funded in part, by the City of Richardson through the City of Richardson Cultural Arts Commission.
此次兒童繪畫比賽分為四組: A. 5-6歲B. 7-8歲 C. 9-11歲 D. 12-14歲。參賽小朋友個個認真,透過自己想法將想像中的元宵節的情況利用圖畫表達出來。得獎名單將在三月中旬公布,活動中心會通知各組得獎者,希望得獎者屆時都能親自上台領獎,頒獎典禮將會在4月25日(星期六)活動中心美食節活動中舉行,得獎作品將於頒獎日前一星期於活動中心大廳公開展示。此次比賽獎金獎品豐富,5-6歲(不計名次,當場有福袋為獎)其他三組每組選出前三名,第一名獎金$100 第二名獎金$80 第三名獎金$50及獎盃,比賽當天所有參賽小朋友
感謝中華民國僑務委員會、City of Richardson以及大華超市的贊助。
為了在這次的比賽中,能以公開、公平、公正的態度選出今年各組的優勝得主,主辦單位特別邀請到 Amber Preston、Vickey Lu、Suzuko Davis 及 Elaine Chang 四位老師擔任此次比賽評審,在此深表感激,謝謝他們百忙之中來幫忙。評審老師簡介如下:
1. Amber Preston 老師,現任教於 Allen 學區 Marion Elementary School。
2. Vickey Lu 老師,嘉義大學美勞教育系畢業,曾任華興中文學校美術老師。
3. Suzuko Davis 老師,目前在 St. Mark’s School of Texas 學校擔任美術老師。
4. Elaine Chang 老師,泰北高中純美術系畢業,曾從事商業設計。
5-6歲:第一名Elise Hsu、第二名Mia Sun、第三名Taylor Booth,以上均頒發獎狀。
7-8歲:第一名Grace Luan、Alexa Kwong,獎金各100元、第三名Natalie Ng,獎金50元、第四名Allison Chan,獎金30元,以上並均頒發獎狀。
9-11歲:第一名Jolian Chen,獎金100元、第二名Yan Song,獎金80元、第三名Maggie Li,獎金50元、第四名Claire Dong、Danning Chen,獎金各30元,以上並均頒發獎狀。
12-14歲:第一名Wenyan Ni,獎金100元、第二名Vivain Ho、Eno Jiang,獎金各80元、第四名Olivia Zhang,獎金30元,以上並均頒發獎狀。
繪畫比賽頒獎典禮日期將再另行通知,得獎作品將於頒獎日前一星期於活動中心大廳公開展示。感謝中華民國僑務委員會、City of Richardson 以及大華超市的贊助。
Dear Participants and Parents of DCCC Children’s Drawing Competition,
Thank you so much for participating in our Children’s Drawing Competition. We’ve invited 4 judges to view and evaluate all artworks. The judges were very impressed by the children’s creativity. The drawing competition award ceremony date will be announced later. Congratulations to all the winners!
The winners for each age group are:
5~6 Years old
1st place: Elise Hsu gift & certificate
2nd place: Mia Sun gift & certificate
3rd place: Taylor Booth gift & certificate
7~8 years old
1st place: Grace Luan $100 & certificate
1st place: Alexa Kwong $100 & certificate
3rd place: Natalie Ng $50 & certificate
4th place: Allison Chan $30 & certificate
9~11 years old:
1st place: Jolian Chen $100 & certificate
2nd place: Yan Song $80 & certificate
3rd place: Maggie Li $50 & certificate
4th place: Claire Dong $30 & certificate
4th place: Danning Chen $30 & certificate
12~14 years old:
1st place: Wenyan Ni $100 & certificate
2nd place: Vivian Ho $80 & certificate
2nd place: Eno Jiang $80 & certificate
4th place: Olivia Zhang $30 & certificate
2020 Drawing Competition Winners: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aH8YCBM-olnjx5jzLxDTDe1s_wmmiLOV/view?usp=sharing