Calligraphy Competition, 10/12/2019 11:00am

On October 12, 2019, Saturday, 11am-1pm, the Dallas Chinese Community Center will be hosting its 17th annual Chinese Calligraphy Competition. There are monetary awards for the first three places of each age group (age 19 and up, age 15-18, age 11-14, age 10 and under).

Please visit the center to fill out the registration form or click here to download the form and mail the form with the fee to us.

4 thoughts on “Calligraphy Competition, 10/12/2019 11:00am”

  1. 達拉斯華人活動中心2019年書法比賽得獎名單揭曉

    本年度第十七屆書法比賽已於十月十二曰在活動中心大廳舉辦,感謝所有參賽者踴躍報名來參加,中級組近廿多位小朋友報名,大都來自私立 St. Marks 中學部學生,其他組別為僑界不同年齡層的書法愛好者。華人活動中心成立的主要宗旨之一,即是對宣揚推廣中華文化與海外永續傳承盡一份力。現今評判完畢,為鼓勵小朋友學習書法並報名來參賽,今年中級組及初級組得獎名次都有增加。


    活動中心主辦單位特此向七位書法評審女士先生致謝,感謝他們在百忙之中前來評分,七位評判女士先生為:李金華女士、陳卿珍女士、陳啟雄先生、楊愛民先生、余濤先生、賴鳳娥女士及虞定一先生,並感謝任教於 St. Marks 學校中學部中文老師江家榮的支持與鼓勵學生們來參賽。此外要感謝贊助單位:City of Richardson、國泰銀行以及駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處等贊助此項活動。

    公開組 Group 1 (Age 19 And Up)
    1st: 袁善美, $100
    2nd: Sean Yang, $50
    3rd: 林宜穎, $30
    And one trophy for each prize winner

    高級組 Group 2 (Age 15-18)
    1st: 黃嬿樺, $80
    2nd: 楊芃, $50
    3rd: 王漩恩, $30
    And one trophy for each prize winner

    中級組 Group 3 (Age 11-14 )
    1st: Noelle Kuo, $60
    2nd: Evan Graeme, $50
    3rd: Reagan Graeme, $40
    And one trophy for each prize winner
    4th: Lucas Blumenthal, $30 and one certificate
    Honorable Mention:
    Zack Goforth, $10
    Kevon Mostafavipour, $10
    Benjamin Hernandez, $10
    Ethan Yau, $10
    And one certificate each

    初級組 Group 4 (Age Under 10)
    1st: 翁鈺淇, $50
    2nd: 張晨安, $30
    3rd: 陳珉臻, $20
    And one trophy for each prize winner
    Honorable Mention: Jayden Wu, $10 and one certificate

  2. DCCC 2019 Calligraphy Competition Results

    The results of our 17th annual Chinese Calligraphy Competition are out! Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to all our participants!
    The awards ceremony will be held on December 7th 11:30am and the winning entries will be on display at the Community Center starting mid-November. Please come take a look!

    Special thanks to the seven judges who took the time out of their busy schedule to help us: Ms. Jinhua Lee, Ms. Qingzhen Chen, Mr. Kai Hung Chan, Mr. Joe Yang, Mr. Tao Yu, Ms. Feng A Lai, and Mr. Thomas Yu as well as Ms. Jiarong Jiang from St. Marks School of Texas. We would also like to thank the City of Richardson, Cathay Bank, and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office for sponsoring this event.

    Here are the results:
    公開組 Group 1 (Age 19 And Up)
    1st: 袁善美, $100
    2nd: Sean Yang, $50
    3rd: 林宜穎, $30
    And one trophy for each prize winner
    高級組 Group 2 (Age 15-18)
    1st: 黃嬿樺, $80
    2nd: 楊芃, $50
    3rd: 王漩恩, $30
    And one trophy for each prize winner
    中級組 Group 3 (Age 11-14 )
    1st: Noelle Kuo, $60
    2nd: Evan Graeme, $50
    3rd: Reagan Graeme, $40
    And one trophy for each prize winner
    4th: Lucas Blumenthal, $30 and one certificate
    Honorable Mention:
    Zack Goforth, $10
    Kevon Mostafavipour, $10
    Benjamin Hernandez, $10
    Ethan Yau, $10
    And one certificate each
    初級組 Group 4 (Age Under 10)
    1st: 翁鈺淇, $50
    2nd: 張晨安, $30
    3rd: 陳珉臻, $20
    And one trophy for each prize winner
    Honorable Mention: Jayden Wu, $10 and one certificate

  3. 華人活動中心書法比賽頒獎典禮圓滿完成

    達拉斯華人活動中心於十二月七日(週六)上午在中心大廳舉行頒獎典禮,表揚今年度中心的書法比賽優勝者。頒獎典禮由活動理事朱恬恬主持,邀請李察遜市市長Paul Voelker、副市長Janet DePuy以及市議員Mark Solomon與Bob Dubey,還有美南書畫藝術學會前任會長李中華先生等前來參加頒獎,中心理事長許祖瑛、策略顧問李小濱、雷筱鳳、秘書樊秋霞及活動負責人理事王嘉玲、宋宏一、孫禮超、趙海蘭夫婦也一起來頒贈獎金及獎盃。感謝City of Richardson與駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處以及國泰銀行贊助此項比賽。

    書法是中華文化的一塊瑰寶,為弘揚中華傳統文化,華人活動中心書法比賽今年已是第十七屆,今年參賽者有僑界不同年齡層的書法愛好者以及St Marks中學部的學生,參賽學生均都是在這出生長大的美國及華裔小孩,小朋友也均有學習中文,家長及學校老師鼓勵他們來參賽,讓他們更能發掘中華語文與其它文化不同的地方,參賽的小朋友年紀雖小,卻個個非常專注的一筆一畫寫書法,華人活動中心成立的主要宗旨之一,即是對宣揚推廣中華文化並令在海外永續傳承盡一份力。

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