Our 8th annual Children Chinese Singing Contest will be on March 24. For the competition, the children can compete as individuals or groups in a specific age division. Registration is $15 per person. The goal of this competition is to build self confidence and encourage children to learn culture through singing Chinese Songs. Big thank you to our sponsors including Comerica Bank, Cathay Bank, 99 Ranch Market, Eva Air, State Farm, City of Richardson, and OCAC Republic of China.
For the Registration Form please click here: 2018 Children Singing Contest Registration Form
Other questions, please contact DCCC at 972-480-0311.現代的父母,不僅僅是重視兒女的教育,更是從小培養他們在音樂,藝術,體育等多方面的能力。每一次參加比賽,都能使孩子們從經驗中培養面對群眾的表現能力與自信心。這正是現在社會上出色人材必備的條件與能力。因此華人活動中心舉辦的兒童歌唱比賽深受重視兒女能力培養的父母歡迎。
因為場地及時間上限制,今年兒童歌唱大賽將只有幼兒班比賽,按年齡分個人與團體的比賽。依年齡分為3、4、5歲三組個人與團體賽。初賽及決賽都在比賽當日完成,報名費每組每人$15.00。報名截止日: 3月15日。彩排(Rehearsal) 3月18日10:30am-12:30pm。
比賽規則:參賽小朋友同時演唱兩首中文兒歌,請將比賽歌曲Email至活動中心 (info@dallasccc.org )。每位參賽的小朋友皆可獲頒豐富獎品及獎杯乙座。感謝Comerica Bank與國泰銀行大力贊助。
For the Registration Form please click here: 2018 Children Singing Contest Registration Form
活動中心地址: 400 N. Greenville Ave., suite#12 Richardson, TX 75081 網址: www.dallasccc.org Email: info@dallasccc.org 電話: 972-480-0311。