09/10 Open Enrollment for MS Office 2010 Class Starting

DCCC computer lab is recently upgraded with 12 brand new laptop computers with high speed processor and 17” monitors. The center has opened enrollment for new computer classes- Introduction to Office 2010 and Advanced Office 2010. Instructor Mr. Ellis Kuang has 15 years of experience in teaching computer classes. He is highly regarded by the students. The class will be held on Saturday’s from 10:00am to12:30 pm. Each class is limited to 12 students, minimum 8 students to open a class. The class of “Introduction to Office 2010” will meet on 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, and 10/1. The class of “Advanced Office 2010” will meet on are 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, and 11/5. This is an excellent opportunity to learn the basics and advanced functions of MS Word, Excel, Access, and Outlook. The tuition of each class is $80. Since spaces are limited, early registration will ensure you a seat and an opportunity to advance your office skills.