06/11 How to Setup A Will with Legal and Financial Planning

Having worked most of their life, baby boomers are planning for their retirement. Setting up a will is an integral part of the planning. A will lists the assets one has accumulated during life time and their disposition when the person passes away. A well prepared will can save family many headaches so that they can move on with their life with least amount of pain after the loss of someone very dear. They will be very grateful that their parents or grandparents have made the proper preparation ahead.

On Saturday, June 11, 2011DCCC will hold a seminar on “How to Setup a Will with Legal and Financial Planning” at 2 PM. Maria Tu, attorney at law will explain how to setup a will that is legally binding, and how to prevent assets from probate proceeding. Johnny Lee, CPA, will discuss estate tax planning, what’s taxable and what’s not. He will also discuss how to use gift tax as part of estate planning. Suzanne Chen will discuss how to select the right insurance product to fit individual’s financial needs. After the presentation, the panelists will open for questions and answers. The seminar is free to the public.