Princess Show Auditions May 25

May 25 Open Auditions for Princess Fashion Show
Princess Show will be on September 7

The Dallas Chinese Community Center’s annual fundraising gala is scheduled for September 7th.    The proceeds of this fundraiser account for the majority of this organization’s operation cost for the year.  It is a night of fun with raffle prizes, silent auction and exciting performances.  A new program for this year’s event is the princess fashion show.

If interested in participating in the fashion show, we have open auditions for selecting princess models on May 25, Saturday, 12:30pm.  Please complete the 2013 Model Application and turn it in at the Dallas Chinese Community Center.


位於李察遜市中國城的達拉斯華人活動中心自一九八四年由熱心僑胞創立迄今已廿餘年。民眾可以使用學習電腦、舞蹈、,運動、借書、 語言研讀或聚會,促進僑居生活的品質。活動中心為非營利機購,在理事會堅苦卓絕的經營下,依靠僑胞們的熱心支持,有錢出錢,有力出力,勉力維持至今,依然不改初衷為僑社僑民服務。

每年中心的募款餐會總會替達福僑社帶來一陣熱潮,今年也不例外。理事會正緊鑼密鼓開始籌備中,日期已訂於九月七日舉行。地點則選在Hyatt Regency Hotel,要在這一個不景氣的年份照常舉辦一場格格秀及才藝與卡拉ok表演,希望僑胞僑社稟承對中心的熱誠,繼續大力支持。

活動中心將在五月廿五日(週六)下午十二點卅分,於中心大廳舉行公開徵選格格秀模特兒活動,歡迎僑社各界人士踴躍參加,五歲以上幼童及年輕女生均可報名,請至活動中心填妥報名表。獲選者經集訓後,即可參加中心於九月七日在Hyatt Regency Hotel舉行的募款餐會上演出,活動中心募款餐會場面盛大,燈光音響一流,希望有志者把握機會,盡早報名,以免向隅。


Model Application:  2013 Model Application