Following the October 31 lecture and the enthusiastic responses from the lecture, a Chinese Ceramics class has been created. The teacher is Mrs. Teresa Tsao, a former chief curator of ceramics at the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan. In the class, you will learn about the ceramics from various dynasties and learn to identify the authenticity of ceramics.
Courses will be held every Monday at 5:30pm-6:30pm. The courses will be held for a period of three months and the cost is $15 per hour. Tuition will be paid at the beginning of each month. Need seven students to register to open the class. If interested in enrolling, please come by DCCC to register or contact us at 972-480-0311.繼上次10月31日的演講, 基於各界熱烈反應, 童依華女士將於2016年1月11日開課,傳授她以往在台灣故宮博物院陶瓷組組長20年的專業知識及各處演講和講學資料, 特為達拉斯對陶瓷器有興趣的人士開課, 從中國漢朝西元前250年開始並且特別介紹各朝代陶瓷器發展的演變及其特徵, 藉以充實有興趣人士對陶瓷器辨認真偽的能力。
課程將於每星期一下午 5:30- 6:30,於達拉斯華人活動中心上課,課程為期3個月,學費每小時15.00 元,每月初付學費,額滿7人開課,缺課不補。有興趣人士請與活動中心報名,電話 972-480-0311。