Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibit (May 22-May 24)

Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibit
Friday to Sunday, 5/22-5/24

Weekend Schedule
Friday, 5/22
1:30 p.m. to 5:20 p.m.: Calligraphy Explanations and Demonstration by the team from New York led by Prof. Maw C. Wang who is a distinguished Chinese philosopher and artist; the group will demonstrate various styles of Chinese calligraphy

Saturday, 5/23
10 am: Official opening of the exhibit
10:30 am to 5:20 pm: Chinese Painting Explanation and Demonstration

Sunday, 5/24
10 am: Open Forum of Chinese Art

Organizers: Mr. Chunghua Li, Chinese American Artists Society of New York, DCCC
Artists from New York will be coming at their own expense.
Sponsors贊助單位 : City of Richardson Arts Commission, Texas Instruments由華人活動中心、美南中華書畫藝術學會、中華書畫聯誼會及中美文化交流協會聯合邀請紐約的美國華人藝術家協會蒞臨達拉斯於五月廿二日至廿四日做為期三天的書畫展與觀摩座談會。由會長王懋軒教授領銜的五位藝術家施卿柔、梁宗智、林阿貴、朱雲嵐、陳麗美,遊藝書畫多年,造詣高深,自創一格,本著對中國書畫的熱愛,追隨王教授到世界各地巡迴展覽,對推廣中華文化不遺餘力,精神令人敬佩。他們準備書法和國畫在活動中心展出,書法包括楷、行、草、隸、篆,國畫有山水、花鳥、梅蘭竹、仙鶴牡丹。

五月廿四日(星期日)上午十時舉行書畫藝術愛好者座談會。下午他們即啟程回紐約,歡迎達拉斯的僑胞參加這場精彩的藝術饗宴。特別感謝6位藝術家出錢出力及李中華先生的穿針引線與李察遜市(City of Richardson Arts Commission)、德州儀器公司( Texas Instruments)的贊助。華人活動中心電話: 972-480-0311