DCCC Health Fair, 8/12/2023 2:00-4:00pm

Date: 8/12/2023 Saturday 2:00-4:00pm
Location: Dallas Chinese Community Center, 400 N. Greenville Ave. #12, Richardson, TX 75081

Come to the DCCC’s health fair on Saturday, August 12 from 2:00 to 4:00pm. Please register before you come.

There are limited tests, spots, etc. in each category. Please indicate in the registration form which activity you are interested in. Here is a list of the activities:
Hepatitis B/C Screening
Mammogram Sign-Up
Pap Smear Sign-Up
Senior Care Info
Doctor Consultations

There will also be on-site workshops as follows:
2:10pm Senior Caregiver Support
2:50pm Medicare/Medicaid Insurance
3:30pm Hospice Information

Special thanks to Light and Salt Association, Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas, DFW Hep B Free Project, Asian American Cancer Care Service and Asian Breast Health Outreach for sponsoring this event.

Registration: https://forms.gle/syHAWNmZ1Rvmn2DG7
Phone: 972-292-8281
Email: dccc.coordinator@gmail.com