Date: 7/31/2021 Saturday 2:00-4:00pm
Location: Dallas Chinese Community Center, 400 N. Greenville Ave. #12, Richardson, TX 75081
Come to the DCCC and AACCS’s health fair on Saturday, July 31 from 2:00 to 4:00pm. For everyone’s safety, please register before you come.
There are limited tests, spots, etc. in each category. Please indicate in the registration form which activity you are interested in. Here is a list of the activities:
Hepatitis C Screening
Blood Oxygen Level Test
Mammogram Sign-Up
Pap Smear Sign-Up
FIT (Fecal Immunochemical Test)
COVID-19 Vaccine Sig-Up
Bone Marrow Donation and Organ Donation Info
Special thanks to Light and Salt Association, Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas, and Asian Breast Health Outreach for sponsoring this event.
Phone: 972-292-8281
– 丙(C)型肝炎檢驗 (Hepatitis C Screening)
肝炎是沉默的殺手,大多數感染者幾乎從來沒有顯示症狀。有很多人聽說過肝炎,但是他們並不知道若不接受治療,病人中將有四分之一會因此死於併發症, C型肝炎也是引起肝癌的主要因素。在美國,亞裔的肝炎患者佔全美肝炎的一半,每十個華人就有一個是慢性肝炎帶菌者。美國政府專家建議所有出生於罹患肝炎高的地區的人士,都應接受檢測。
– 大腸癌糞便免疫化學測試 (FIT)
在飲食西化及生活型態的改變下,大腸癌的發病年齡逐漸年輕化,目前大腸癌分別是亞裔男性與女性第三及第二位最常見癌症,也是所有癌症中第三高致死率。大腸癌是可以預防的,而且如果早期(第一或第二期)發現,也有可能治癒。因此我們提供免費糞便免疫化學測試 (FIT) 給18歲以上華人社區民眾,希望幫助華人預防大腸癌。
中心特此感謝所有參加的理事和義工,貢獻時間和精力,服務僑社。也非常感謝協辦單位亞美癌症關懷服務和其他贊助單位:光鹽社、德州癌症預防與研究所 (CPRIT)、Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas、亞裔婦女乳房保健計劃…等贊助這項極有意義的健康日活動,最重要的是謝謝所有來參加的僑胞大眾支持活動中心。
Thanks to those who came to DCCC and AACCS’s Health fair to get free check-ups and information. We really appreciate all the board members and volunteers for their time and efforts. Special thanks to Light and Salt Association, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Asian Breast Health Outreach for sponsoring this event.