According to Harvard Medical School, “[Tai Chi] addresses the key components of fitness — muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and, to a lesser degree, aerobic conditioning.” To read more:
2019 Tai Chi classes will be offered on Monday 6-7pm and Sunday 4-5pm. Classes will start on January 14 (Monday) and January 20 (Sunday), respectively. Four classes cost $40. If you are interested in taking Tai Chi classes, please contact DCCC 972-480-0311. 華人活動中心開班多年的太極拳班,一直引領達拉斯眾多僑界朋友學習正宗「楊氏太極拳老架」一百零八式,曾學習者受益非淺,只要持之以恆絕對日子有功,必練就成好腿力、靈活腳腕、吐納氣均…..不勝枚舉,可早日預防中老年未老先衰的身體退化現象。
新年度開始活動中心將繼續開辦太極拳課,為配合上班族及退休人士健身,特別開兩班:每周一晚上六時至七時卅分以及每週日四時至五時卅分,由傅碧珠老師授課,杜重慶老師指導。費用:一期四次/ $40 。開課日期: 1月14日(週一) & 1月20日(週日) ,歡迎對太極拳有興趣學習的朋友們報名參加,無須基礎,即日起接受報名,詳情請與活動中心聯絡電話: 972-480-0311